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18 May 2011

Create a Link

The command to create a link is to <A HREF=""> Link Name </ A>. You see that the tag starts with A which is an abbreviation of the Anchor, then HREF (hypertext reference), which after it resumed the destination address. Keep in mind this destination address should be between quotation marks. After that

you write his name freely link up to you, and finally closing with a closing </ A>. So how to make a link.

Here's an example link that you click. Please:

My Links

Links above will take you to the site with the address:

Based on the location of destination, the link can be divided into:

  1. Link to the homepage of a site
  2. Link to other pages within the same site
  3. Link to another page in another site
  4. Link to a particular section (bookmark) in the same page.
  5. Link to a particular section (bookmark) in different pages
  6. Links that point to a file that can be displayed in the browser, such as image files or animations such as GIF, JPG, BMP and so on.
  7. The link leads to a specific file that can not be displayed or executed in the browser for example: program files (EXE), file compression (ZIP), audio files (like MP3, RM), video files, and others. If such a link is clicked, a dialog box will appear asking if you want to save the file in your hard drive or run it with the appropriate programs. The process of retrieval and storage of such files is called downloading.
  8. Links pointing to your email address. If this link is clicked will open a window sending mail from an email program installed on the user's computer (eg Microsoft Outlook). In an email destination box (To:) has listed the destination mail address.


For each type of link above, the important thing to note is the way of writing the address or location (URL) of the site or file designated by the link. This location is written between the quotes after the href= attribute. Provisions are as follows:

  1. Link to the homepage of another site, simply write the URL address of the website, for example: href = "".
  2. Link to another page in another site, then should we write the URL address and the location of the file.
    For example: href = "".
  3. Link to other pages within the same site, then simply written down the location of the file, without writing the URL address of the site. In this case there are several possibilities:
    a) If the file is located in the same folder with the files from the link then simply write the name of the file, for example: href = "ptc-list.html".
    b) If the target file is located in another folder under the folder that is occupied by the link, it must be written the name of the folder. For example: href = "04/ptc-list.html".
    c) Conversely, if the target file is located in another folder above the folder that is occupied by the file from the link is then written as follows: href ="../ ptc-list.html ".
    d) If the file is located two levels above the double-colons are written like this: href ="../../ irnanto.jpg " and so on.
  4. To create a link to a particular section of a web page, before we have to give names to the places or locations to be addressed it by putting tags <a name="lokasi"> </ a> on line that will link it. Only then we can make the link to that section. In this case there are two possibilities.
    a) If the destination is contained within the same page with the link then simply write the name of the field. For example: href = # locations.
    b) If the destination is located on another page it must be written the name of the file from that page just name the place. For example: href = "other.htm # location".
  5. Links that point to a file that is not an HTML file for example program files, audio, image, and others. The way writing is tantamount to an HTML file as in point 1, 2 and 3 above.
  6. Link that contains the email addresses are written like this: href = "mailto:".


We already know that, if a link is clicked, the browser will display the target page by the link. How to bring up the browser page, there are two kinds of purposes.

  1. Published in the same window. That is, the page where the link is replaced by the target page by the link. This is the way the default appearance.
  2. Published in another window. That is, a new window will appear that displays the intended page. To create a link of this kind, we must add the attribute TARGET = "_blank" in the tag <A HREF>. Example: href="webpage.html" target="_blank">.

A few lessons about the links, especially text links. and then We'll learn about creating image links and links with more specific targets.

Read also this....

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