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23 March 2011

Make Font Color

To make writing more interesting on the web, we can add color to the text. Example:

<FONT COLOR="red"> This red color. </ FONT>
<FONT COLOR="blue"> It's blue. </ FONT>
<FONT COLOR="green"> This green color. </ FONT>
<FONT COLOR="yellow"> This yellow color. </ FONT>
<FONT COLOR="cyan"> This is the color of cyan. </ FONT>
<FONT> This black color (without writing a color, you are writing a black as default. </ FONT>

Then the results will be displayed on the web brouser is:

This red color.
It's blue.
This green color.
This yellow color.
This color cyan.
This black color (without writing a color, you are writing a black as default.)

his black color (no color writing, your writing is black as the default.)

We can only make some colored paper using color names, to use another color, we can use colors using hexadecimal code. Examples of the use of colors using hexadecimal:

This color="#99FF00"> <font faded green color </ font>
This color="#663300"> <font brown </ font>

Then the results will be displayed in a web browser is:

This green color faded
This brown color

We can combine the font size, font type, color, and type text simultaneously.

<FONT SIZE="4" FACE="Comic Sans MS" COLOR="green"> <B> This bold, use Comic Sans MS font, size 4, green. </ B> </ FONT>

Then it will be like below.

This bold, use Comic Sans MS font, size , yellow.

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