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18 March 2011

MySQL Privileges

MySQL has several features, among others:

  1. Portability. MySQL can run stable at a variety of operating systems like Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac Os X Server, Solaris, Amiga, and many more.
  2. Open source software. MySQL is distributed as open source software, under GPL license so it can be used for free.
  3. Multi-user. MySQL can be used by multiple users at the same time without experiencing any problems or conflicts.
  4. 'Performance tuning', MySQL has an amazing speed in dealing with simple queries, in other words more SQL can process per unit time.
  5. Variety of data types. MySQL has a range of very rich data types, such as signed / unsigned integer, float, double, char, text, date, timestamp, and others.
  6. Commands and Functions. MySQL has a full service and functionality that support the Select and Where command in a command (query).
  7. Security. MySQL has several layers of security such as the level Subnet, host name, and permit access to users with a detailed licensing system and encrypted passwords.
  8. Scalability and Restrictions. MySQL database capable of handling large scale, with the number of records (records) more than 50 million and 60 thousand and 5 billion row table. In addition, the index limits that can fit up to 32 indexes on each table.
  9. Connectivity. MySQL can connect with clients using TCP / IP, Unix sockets (UNIX), or Named Pipes (NT).
  10. Localisation. MySQL can detect an error message on the client by using more than twenty languages. Notwithstanding that, the Indonesian language has not been included in it.
  11. Interface. MySQL has a user interface (interface) to various applications and programming languages ​​by using the function API (Application Programming Interface).
  12. Client and Tools. MySQL comes with various tools (tool) that can be used for database administration, and on any equipment that is included instructions online.
  13. Table structure. MySQL has a table structure that is more flexible in dealing with ALTER TABLE, compared to other database sort of PostgreSQL or Oracle.


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